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                    “The late having set sailed one (Pyramus), saw steps (or tracks) in the high dust by a certain beast, and Pyramus’s whole face turned pale; and as he had discovered the clothes having been soaked by true blood, he said, ‘One night will lose two lovers, one of whom (Thisbe) was worthy of a long life; life is guilty by me. I feel sorry for killing you, in this place full of fear which I ordered you to come and not you come here earlier. Come, tear my flesh, come, lions, devour my guilty body.  Oh, lions whoever lives under the cliff! But it is the wish of death.’ the veil of Thisbe lifts up, and brings toward the shadow of the agreed upon with each other tree. And so he gave tears, he gave a kiss to the veil he knows so well, ‘You grasp nothing,’ he said, ‘we also drink of blood!’ and by which he was prepared, he plunged the sword into his genitals, without delay, dying with warm freshly shed blood, he pulled the sword out of the wound and he lied down lying on his back on the ground. Blood spurts out far, no differently than when the water-pipe split the faulty lead, it spout forth and I held long streams of water by the hissing hole, and it broke the air by pulsing. The fruit of the tree, from that red spray, turned crimson by means of the spray you cut. The roots soaked by blood stain the hanging mulberries the color purple. 

                    “Look! With her fear not yet having been set aside, so that she might not escape the notice of the lover, she (Thisbe) returns and seeks the young man with her eyes and her heart. And she desired to narrate how many dangers she avoided, although she recognizes the place and the form of the having been looked for tree, at the same time the color of the fruit made her uncertain; she freezes, whether this is it. As she doubts, she sees that trembling limbs are striking the bloody ground, and she, wearing a facial expression more pale than boxwood, she stepped back, just like the face of the sea which trembles when with a slight breeze it is grazed on the top. But after, delayed, she recognizes their own love, and she beats her forearms shamefully by clearly and loudly wailing, the body having been loved and surrounded by the having been torn mane, the wounds filled with tears, and it mixed the tears with the blood, and pressing the kiss onto the ice cold face she shouted, ‘Pyramus, what accident took you away from me? Pyramus respond! Your, most beloved, Thisbe calls you; ‘Hear clearly, raise your lying face!’ Now Pyramus raised his heavy eyes towards death, with the having been seen girl, the name of Thisbe hid the heavy eyes.

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